Between My Finger and Thumb… (Harper Lee Emulation)

Stage 1: Between my finger and my thumb lie the fingers of my parents guiding me into this world.

 Stage 2: Between my finger and my thumb lies a pencil, learning how to get my thoughts into words.

 Stage 3: Between my finger and my thumb lies a hand, the same hand that had guided me into this world and given me a chance to live.

The same hand but,

this time cold.

 Stage 4: Between my finger and my thumb lie the hands of my mother as a gesture of support.

The same hands that carried me through this world and taught me how to survive in such a society.

The same hands that are now wrinkled in complexion and weak in strength as not much flows through the antique veins any longer.

 Stage 5: Between my finger and my thumb lies the pencil, but this time nervously.

Nervously because this time I authorize the statement of assisted suicide for my mother who has lost all sense of memory and doesn’t deserve to deal with such pain.

The same mother who repeatedly called my name without hesitation to call me to the dinner table.

But this time hesitates in even remembering me.

 Stage 6: Between my finger and my thumb lies a hand as a gesture of hope.

But this time, it is the hand of my soul mate, comforting me as I explain my life story.

 Stage 7: Between my finger and my thumb lies the hand of my soul mate.

This time walking me to the stage of a new beginning.

Walking me to our wedding stage.

Stage 8: Between my finger and my thumb lies the hand of our creation as I guide her into this world.

Stage 9: Between my finger and my thumb lies the hand of my daughter as I teach her how to get her thoughts into words.

Stage 10: Between my finger and my thumb lie the hands of my soul mate and daughter as I lay there in the hospital bed.

Stage 11: Between my finger and my thumb lie the many cords and pipes trying to pump life into me once again.

Stage 12: Between my finger and my thumb lie the hands of my family as I slowly decide to fade away.

Stage 13: Between my finger and thumb lie the hands of my very own parents as I have now… joined them.

—–     This poetical piece was inspired by a writing seminar exploring the works of Seamus Heaney. Specifically by the piece called ”Digging.” In all my intention for this poem was to represent the cycle of life in my eyes. The first time reading this is simply for pleasure in getting to the end, however when reading twice you begin to see the connections I have made between the different things that happen in life and how it all composes into one cycle. However despite all of that, life is a cycle that goes on forever and no matter what we encounter we simply have to move on and remember that we will leave this world at one point to, so why not look at the bright side of going to the same place as your loved ones. Just as in this piece I end with:

“Between my finger and my thumb lie the hands of my very own parents as I have now joined them.”

How Hard is it Really?

How hard is it really?
Acting equally valued to other human beings is equivalent to the way you would want yourself treated.
How hard is it really?
Saying a thank-you
Opening the door
Is it really that hard?
Many of us tend to degrade others just to fulfill the feeling of superiority or the attitude of cool.
But what good does that do?
We may think we are benefiting ourselves when really we are just fueling our ego with something other than kindness.
How hard is it really?
Saying a thank-you
Opening the door
Is it really that hard?
Humanity is all one, isn’t it?
We are all going to die eventually, aren’t we?
Whether we live the extra year or not.
Then what is the point in being rude for personal fulfillment, when really it is just you trying to make yourself feel better.
How hard is it really?
Saying a thank-you
Opening the door
Because this is the simplicity of kindness.

Kindness: quality of being friendly, generosity

To many individuals kindness can be as simple as:
Saying a thank-you
Opening the door
Because they are well classified under acts of being friendly.
However looking at my personal perception, I find that things such as smiling and holding the door open are not necessarily defined as “kind,” to our human nature because it is something that overtime we have become immune towards.
We have been doing it some much that these little things have become second nature to us.
In fact when I was told that things such as:
Holding the door open
Saying a thank you
all fall under being kind, such simplicity surprised me.
Honestly this is all it takes to brighten someone’s day.
Many of us think outside the boundaries when we think about kindness, because we believe that we have to go out of our way to show kindness.
When really being kind is a simple thing such as smiling.
When really being kind is right upon our doorstep.
When really showing an act of kindness will not hurt, but it may create a chain of kindness so do not be afraid to show it but also don’t be expecting it back because not everyone can think like you.
Instead be the spark to the fire.

Quote Refection — The Book Thief

—-  Technique: I have used the idea of formulating a poem about this topic at first and then changing the words into narration form, rather than poetical to meet the standards for a personal response format.

Humanity is the way that humans act, simple right? But when it comes to observing individuals and experiencing the effect of their actions and words on others. This is when death tends to get confused as shown through the novel of “The Book Thief.” I have decided to formulate a personal response based upon deaths perception on humans during World War II.

In today’s world many of us are influenced by words, in fact during World War II, Adolf Hitler was the most influential Nazi leader and used only words to create propaganda. At first Hitler had great intentions when he had initially gotten involved in the government which included things like uprising Germany’s economy and flourishing as a country. Unfortunately the power had really gotten to Hitler, which caused him to take part in atrocious things such as using his own charisma and natural leadership skills to kill the Jews.

This is a great example to illustrate deaths perception on humans, and how we can be admirable and atrocious at the same time. Death is utterly confused about humans, and how they behave since all of us do have two sides, which are either damning or brilliant. Despite us having two sides it doesn’t quite make sense to Death because he feels that humans in particular are confusing to understand, the main factor being involved to this thoughts is the concept of words. Words can cause a dramatic change in ones life, it doesn’t depend on what is being said but more so how the individual interprets it, whether it affects them internally or externally.

From a personal standpoint I do agree with Death and in fact think that it is quite ironic that we humans are all the same in some ways and make the same mistakes in one way or another yet we act differently, we behave differently, and we respond differently from each other. We humans are to caught up in the idealistic world of impressing some while devaluing others and we simply don’t take a moment to look around us and see what we have and how much better it is then some people have to deal with in other parts of the world, because if we did then we wouldn’t be taking each other for granted but instead we would be helping each other and trying our best to not bring out the horrific thoughts from our mind.

Some of us humans hurt others, some turn our backs, some just pretend to care, and some try and then just give up, so we are monsters on our own. But lets not forget the few of us that work at things and attempt to make a difference. We can help change that performing little things our self, by lending a helping hand, and changing the wrong to right. Just the little things can make a huge difference; the little things could make a big impact on life and potentially hide our imperfections and bring out our perfections.