Quote Refection — The Book Thief

—-  Technique: I have used the idea of formulating a poem about this topic at first and then changing the words into narration form, rather than poetical to meet the standards for a personal response format.

Humanity is the way that humans act, simple right? But when it comes to observing individuals and experiencing the effect of their actions and words on others. This is when death tends to get confused as shown through the novel of “The Book Thief.” I have decided to formulate a personal response based upon deaths perception on humans during World War II.

In today’s world many of us are influenced by words, in fact during World War II, Adolf Hitler was the most influential Nazi leader and used only words to create propaganda. At first Hitler had great intentions when he had initially gotten involved in the government which included things like uprising Germany’s economy and flourishing as a country. Unfortunately the power had really gotten to Hitler, which caused him to take part in atrocious things such as using his own charisma and natural leadership skills to kill the Jews.

This is a great example to illustrate deaths perception on humans, and how we can be admirable and atrocious at the same time. Death is utterly confused about humans, and how they behave since all of us do have two sides, which are either damning or brilliant. Despite us having two sides it doesn’t quite make sense to Death because he feels that humans in particular are confusing to understand, the main factor being involved to this thoughts is the concept of words. Words can cause a dramatic change in ones life, it doesn’t depend on what is being said but more so how the individual interprets it, whether it affects them internally or externally.

From a personal standpoint I do agree with Death and in fact think that it is quite ironic that we humans are all the same in some ways and make the same mistakes in one way or another yet we act differently, we behave differently, and we respond differently from each other. We humans are to caught up in the idealistic world of impressing some while devaluing others and we simply don’t take a moment to look around us and see what we have and how much better it is then some people have to deal with in other parts of the world, because if we did then we wouldn’t be taking each other for granted but instead we would be helping each other and trying our best to not bring out the horrific thoughts from our mind.

Some of us humans hurt others, some turn our backs, some just pretend to care, and some try and then just give up, so we are monsters on our own. But lets not forget the few of us that work at things and attempt to make a difference. We can help change that performing little things our self, by lending a helping hand, and changing the wrong to right. Just the little things can make a huge difference; the little things could make a big impact on life and potentially hide our imperfections and bring out our perfections.

